Patch Set 14:
Would be great to get some feedback and/or get this merged. See my last post to get a quick overview of this change.
Sorry, I've forgotten about these changes. I'll take a look as soon as I can, because it's been a long while.
Patch set 14:Code-Review +1
Patch Set #8, Line 473: static
This is related to Line 541 and following lines. It is explained (shortly) in Line 542. […]
* 280 bytes =
* + 9 B (CMD)
* + 1 B (WREN)
* + 9 B (CMD)
* + 1 B (op) \
* + 4 B (addr) | = writecnt
* + 256 B (page data) /
* With op: PageProgram or Erase; CMD: FTDI-Chip commands
nit: I'd place this before the assignment to `bufsize`. And please align correctly (there's one tab too many)
/* Return to get second op (Program or Erase) without
* resetting buf nor i*/
Comment style should be:
* Return to get second op (Program or Erase)
* without resetting buf nor i
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