Attention is currently required from: Angel Pons, Brian Norris, Thomas Heijligen.
1 comment:
More references here:
1. This message should only be shown if the tester noticed that the current status of hardware writeprotection is not at the expected value.
a. If the current HWWP is enable, but we need it to be disable:
2024-01-24T06:22:51.035812Z [ INFO ] Prompt for hardware WP disable
disconnect the battery (and/or open the WP screw)
Press enter to continue...
b. If the current HWWP is disable, but we need it to be enable:
2024-01-24T06:21:47.737144Z [ INFO ] Prompt for hardware WP able
connect the battery (and/or open the WP screw)
Press enter to continue...
In ChromeOS, we usually modify the hardware writeprotection by:
1. Connect/Disconnect the battery
2. Remove/Restore the WP screw (Only for older devices)
3. Leveraging some Google Security Chip (GSC) Case Closed Debugging (CCD) commands (newer devices)
What about
`use the designated command, disconnect the battery, and/or remove the WP screw`
`use the designated command, connect the battery, and/or restore the WP screw`
Since IMO they are sorted by the frequency in real world usecase.
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