Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Anastasia Klimchuk, Nikolai Artemiev.
Patch set 7:Code-Review +1
File hwaccess.h:
nit: drop blank line
nit: drop blank line
Patch Set #7, Line 69: uint##bits##_t name##bits (const uint##bits##_t value) { return value; }
nit: indent macro body for clarity:
#define ___return_same(name, bits) \
uint##bits##_t name##bits (const uint##bits##_t value) { return value; }
Patch Set #7, Line 79: uint##bits##_t name##bits (const uint##bits##_t value) { return swap##bits (value); }
File hwaccess_endian_big.c:
Idea: if `__FLASHROM_BIG_ENDIAN__` / `__FLASHROM_LITTLE_ENDIAN__` won't be removed, maybe add some `_Static_assert()` in here? The idea is to mention the CPU native endian inside these endian-specific files, and an assertion would be more useful than a comment.
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