Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Miklós Márton.
1 comment:
File include/flash.h:
* Feature indicates that the chip does not require erase before writing.
* For implementation details, see spi95.c and search for M95M02 definition in flashchips.c.
That's reasonable, but I think we can spend a few more words to include much of the explanation we've done here to minimize possible confusion. Pointing to a specific part of the code also seems error-prone (if it were to change), and this flag doesn't get used much so providing more general information seems fine: users can easily search the code for uses of this flag to find the implementation.
* Feature indicates that the chip does not require erase before writing:
* write operations can set any bit to any value without first doing an erase,
* but bulk erase operations may still be supported.
* EEPROMs usually behave this way (compare to Flash, which requires erase),
* for example the ST M95M02.
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