Attention is currently required from: Aarya, Bill XIE.
Sorry for some delay, I am getting back to this. I want to add a test into this patch, because now it's possible to add such test (after CB:84783).
If it goes by the plan, I will upload new patchset with test, hope it's fine.
File cli_classic.c:
" --sacrifice-ratio <ratio> The percentage of overall sub-blocks needless to\n"
" change within a larger erase block to be sacrificed\n"
" for programming speed, default 0, max 100\n"
I was thinking, maybe to change this description a bit, to make it more clear: but I haven't composed anything in my head yet :) just keep thinking on the background.
If I don't come up with anything, then that will be it.
In any case, definitely will keep the DANGEROUS! warning.
Patch Set #3, Line 127: harder
Maybe "faster" instead of "harder"?
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