Attention is currently required from: Alexander Goncharov, Angel Pons, Edward O'Callaghan, Peter Marheine, Stefan Reinauer, Swift Geek (Sebastian Grzywna), Thomas Heijligen.
As a reference we have done a brainstorming session […]
Also I want to mention that some sections that used to be a part of Dev guidelines will be moved into other pages:
How to add a chip
Release process
One thing that potentially could be added, is one paragraph about branches, just general info. Not in the beginning, but at the end of guidelines. What do people think, do we need some info about branches in this doc?
File doc/dev_guide/development_guidelines.rst:
Patch Set #1, Line 2: Development Guidelilnes
Done, thanks for catching
Patch Set #1, Line 5: Intro, is there anything useful to say?
Is that a leftover from some draft?
Yes and no: I was thinking whether the intro is needed, and and if yes what should be there. I didn't have a clear idea what to say in the intro, so decided to push the patch like this in case other people have ideas. If no one thinks it's needed, I will just delete this line.
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