Attention is currently required from: Jean THOMAS.
On first look it seems fine, there are a few minor thinks to do. But I want to have a further look when I'm back from vacation.
Thanks for contributing.
File dirtyjtag_spi.c:
Patch Set #1, Line 108: static int dirtyjtag_spi_shutdown(void *data)
the usb interface should also be released
Patch Set #1, Line 194: int ret = libusb_init(NULL);
please use an own libusb_contest and not the default ine (NULL), even if other programmera do so. it can be stored in the djtag_data
Patch Set #1, Line 214: ret = libusb_set_auto_detach_kernel_driver(handle, 1);
this function is only available on new libusb versions. please use explicit detach and attach in shutdown. have a look at the latest patchen on ch341a_spi
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