Attention is currently required from: Alexander Goncharov, Patrick Georgi, Stefan Reinauer, Thomas Heijligen.
As we discussed on the meeting, this page should be sufficient.
Marking as unresolved, so that Patrick could have a look and confirm.
File doc/documentation_license.rst:
Patch Set #3, Line 2: flashrom documentation license
How about just `Documentation license`?
Initially I copied from coreboot's page I assume they did it right.
I am not sure this is critical, maybe both ways is fine: let's confirm with people who know better.
The things with legal stuff (which this page) is that it often needs to be done in the exact way, so I was copying from the example as close as possible.
We also have "Documentation" directory in our tree. […]
`Documentation` directory is probably under GPLv2 which is what everything in the tree was. And still is, but we can set CC-BY for new docs. I don't think we can just change the license for existing directory... and given that it will be removed maybe let's not bother with this.
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