Attention is currently required from: Georg Gottleuber, Nikolai Artemiev, Stefan Reinauer.
I double-checked with the datasheet: looks good. Only one additional ". […]
Is this for 4K sector? You can add it to the array of block_erasers, next to existing SPI_BLOCK_ERASE_20 entry. I saw this before, you can check there is a bunch of chip definitions in flashchips.c with both SPI_BLOCK_ERASE_21 and SPI_BLOCK_ERASE_20 defined.
If you will be adding 21, then if you can run erase once again on this chip, that would be perfect!
File flashchips.c:
Patch Set #3, Line 22118: TEST_UNTESTED
This probably slipped from a previous version of the patch? You already changed tested status to `TEST_OK_PREW` which is what you need (because you tested).
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