Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan, Alexander Goncharov.
Patch set 7:Code-Review +1
File cli_classic.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 560: validate_options(
I was thinking about it, this patch moves validation into `parse_options` which has to be called, be […]
I did my best to review the patch and I think the function is called consistently because `validate_options ` is called inside `parse_options`.
But I might be missing something, please tell if I am missing something.
File cli_classic.c:
Patch Set #7, Line 624: --fmap-file (--fmap)
I spent some time looking at fmap and fmapfile options, and finally I think the code is correct. It was a bit confusing because there are two different options, fmap and fmapfile.
Maybe make the error message more clear, like:
Error: --ifd is specified together with either --fmap-file or --fmap
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