Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Nikolai Artemiev.
1 comment:
File ichspi.c:
msg_pdbg("0x00: 0x%04x (SPIS)\n",
mmio_readw(spibar + 0));
msg_pdbg("0x02: 0x%04x (SPIC)\n",
mmio_readw(spibar + 2));
msg_pdbg("0x04: 0x%08x (SPIA)\n",
mmio_readl(spibar + 4));
ichspi_bbar = mmio_readl(spibar + 0x50);
msg_pdbg("0x50: 0x%08x (BBAR)\n",
msg_pdbg("0x54: 0x%04x (PREOP)\n",
mmio_readw(spibar + 0x54));
msg_pdbg("0x56: 0x%04x (OPTYPE)\n",
mmio_readw(spibar + 0x56));
msg_pdbg("0x58: 0x%08x (OPMENU)\n",
mmio_readl(spibar + 0x58));
msg_pdbg("0x5c: 0x%08x (OPMENU+4)\n",
mmio_readl(spibar + 0x5c));
Would have preferred it here, it seems wrong to change lines and then fix […]
I was initially thinking of not doing two different things in one commit, so here I only moved the code without changes. And then line breaks in separate commit. But now it looks like separate commit for line breaks is really useful: we can fix a lot more line breaks, throughout the file!
It looks like the file was written with firm 80-chars-width rule in mind.
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