Attention is currently required from: Sam McNally, Rizwan Qureshi, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons.
Patch set 12:Code-Review +1
Commit Message:
Patch Set #12, Line 12: TEST=```localhost ~ # flashrom --flash-name
This tests the changes to `guess_ich_chipset_from_content()`, please check the flashrom log to verify the correct chipset is detected.
This is only visible in a very verbose log. For `--ifd` the chipset is detected
separately so it also works with external programmers. The line would start with
"Assuming chipset ", `ich_descriptors_tool` can also be used to test.
Same question as for Jasper Lake, does there anything differ from the […]
So far I've seen no difference beside the number of straps in the descriptor.
File ich_descriptors.c:
Patch Set #12, Line 307: case CHIPSET_600_SERIES_ALDER_POINT:
Looking at the ADL-P SPI Guide Rev. 1.24, it shows the same numbers as
for TGL. What document/version was used to write this? (please also mention
in the commit message)
If your version of the documentation differs, we could comare the output to
the settings in FIT tool (it usually has the last word at Intel).
Patch Set #12, Line 1041: return CHIPSET_600_SERIES_ALDER_POINT;
Please test the detection (easy to do with ich_descriptors_tool). For
EHL the SPI guide needed to be fixed.
File ichspi.c:
I'm not sure if all of this was guess work, I can't find more than 6 regs
in datasheets. Can somebody confirm? It probably doesn't matter much, as
there are no conflicting registers documented and we don't write to them
If the datasheet turns out to be incomplete, please mention which was used
in the commit message and what is missing.
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