Attention is currently required from: Richard Hughes, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Anastasia Klimchuk, Patrick Rudolph, Peter Marheine.
File 82802ab.c:
Patch Set #8, Line 137: set_progress(flash, FLASHROM_PROGRESS_WRITE, i + 1, len);
Does it make sense to switch the callback method to take a `int percentage` instead of current and t […]
In order for set_progress to include a check we would have to maintain a state on the libflashrom side to keep track of the arguments of the previous call to set_progress. I think this is better suited to be left to the caller. Look for the handling in cli_output.c, the callback is almost a no-op for the cases where the percentage value did not change.
File cli_output.c:
Patch Set #8, Line 85: msg_ginfo("[%s] %u%% complete", flashrom_progress_stage_to_string (stage), pc);
Would it make sense to terminate this with a \r to avoid scrolling terminals?
As it is:
`Reading flash... [READ] 0% complete[READ] 0% complete[READ] 1% complete(...)[READ] 99% complete[READ] 99% complete[READ] 100% complete[READ] 100% completedone.`
With a '\r' at the end:
`done.] 100% complete D] 0% complete`
Giving the random output that we print on the different stages of the different operations without newline delimiters I would restrain from using the \r approach.
(Definitely adding a trailing space here)
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