Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan.
Patch set 1:Code-Review +1
Commit Message:
Not sure why it says "Processor", but it seems inaccurate. Not this change's problem.
Patch Set #1, Line 10: initalisation
Insert an `i` after the first 4 letters: init_i_alisation
Patch Set #1, Line 11: initalise
Insert an `i` after the first 4 letters: init_i_alise
File internal.c:
if (try_mtd(cfg) == 0) {
ret = 0;
goto internal_init_exit;
We don't need to initialise PCI access or perform flash enables if we're using MTD, do we?
Actually, we want to run the flash enables for MTD too.
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