Attention is currently required from: Xiang Wang, Stefan Reinauer.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #1, Line 10: some SBC
Which one have you tested this on?
File sysfsgpio.c:
Patch Set #1, Line 36: #define GPIO_DIRECTION "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction"
The only definition that gets used twice is `GPIO_PATH`. The others are only used once.
Patch Set #1, Line 38: #define EXIST_PATH(path) (access((path), F_OK) == 0
cute but just inline it, the indirection is not necessary.
It's only used twice, so I don't think this provides any benefit. If anything, you could make it a static function and let the compiler decide whether to inline it or not.
Patch Set #1, Line 42: int pin;
Looks like the code only uses the string representation of `pin`. To reduce `snprintf` usage, how about having a `char pin_str[8];` here?
static struct pin_desc pin_cs = {
.name = "cs",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1
static struct pin_desc pin_sck = {
.name = "sck",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1
static struct pin_desc pin_mosi = {
.name = "mosi",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1
static struct pin_desc pin_miso = {
.name = "miso",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1
I would suggest making another struct to hold all pins in a single global variable:
struct sysfsgpio_pins {
struct pin_desc cs;
struct pin_desc sck;
struct pin_desc mosi;
struct pin_desc miso;
static struct sysfsgpio_pins pins = {
.cs = {
.name = "cs",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1,
.sck = {
.name = "sck",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1,
.mosi = {
.name = "mosi",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1,
.miso = {
.name = "miso",
.fd_direction = -1,
.fd_value = -1,
Patch Set #1, Line 80: if (ret == (int)strlen(str))
To avoid casting to int, I would test for failure here with `ret < strlen(str)`.
Patch Set #1, Line 92: snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%d", desc->pin);
If you can avoid clobbering the buffer contents with this snprintf call (see suggestion to use a `pin_str` cache in global state), you should be able to reuse the buffer contents for the direction and value files.
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