Thanks for your ideas!
if (ftdi_write_data_set_chunksize(ftdic, 280)) {
* 280 bytes =
* + 9 B (CMD)
* + 1 B (WREN)
* + 9 B (CMD)
* + 1 B (op)
* + 4 B (addr)
* + 256 B (page data)
* With op: PageProgram or Erase; CMD: FTDI-Chip commands
Increasing the chunksize can be the 1st commit
This goes with the time saving changes in ft2232_spi_send_command() below. That´s why I think your proposed 1st and 3rd commit go together.
Patch Set #11, Line 481: static unsigned char buf[FTDI_HW_BUFFER_SIZE];
Using a fixed-size buffer can be the 2nd commit
OK, I see that this does not necessarily go with the time saving changes! Thanks!
Patch Set #11, Line 483: static int i = 0;
This line is part of the 3rd commit
if (writearr[0] == JEDEC_WREN) {
/* Return to get second op (Program or Erase) without resetting buf nor i*/
return 0;
} else {
ret = send_buf(ftdic, buf, i);
i = 0;
This is the rest of the 3rd commit
This is the main part of time saving change.
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