Attention is currently required from: Simon Buhrow, Aarya.
Patch set 73:Code-Review +2
File erasure_layout.c:
Patch Set #73, Line 127: void *
`void *` in type system speak is mostly like putting on a blind-fold and jumping between a large canyon hoping you will arrive on the other side safely.
These contents buffers are byte array's on the heap, use the correct type of `uint8_t`.
Patch Set #73, Line 127: region_start
`rstart` and Doxygen.
Patch Set #73, Line 127: region_end
`rend` and Doxygen.
Patch Set #73, Line 127: struct flashctx *flashctx,
by convention, keep the `flashctx` as the first argument to the function, it helps keep the code-base more consistent for one reason of a few.
like wrap the function definition.
Patch Set #73, Line 127: function_index
`findex` and in the Doxygen comment you can say "function index".
Patch Set #73, Line 130: function_index == 0
`!foo` is canonical for the 0 or NULL case.
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