Sorry, run into the sorting trap. We try to enforce a sort
order on .vendor, .name in `flashchips.c`, currently. I sup-
pose "Micron" comes before "Micron/Numonyx/ST".Alan, how about adding a simple check for this to the Make-
file, that could be checked by Jenkins.Ugh, I'm kind of surprised at how hard it is to get ordering "right". I didn't mean to create a burden for other devs.
No worries. I actually think that the new ordering is better
because it is easier to check automatically. We'd just have
to hook that up. Even with the old order, it caused friction.
A little less maybe, because we didn't check as much for it ;)The ordering you see was already present. Can you confirm that this was broken before my patch?
Um, yap. I don't know any order that would place "Micron/Numonyx/ST"
before "Micron", but it seems this is intended?
I guess we have to wait for Alan to publish his scripts before
making any more assumptions.
Patch set 1:Code-Review +2
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