Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Rizwan Qureshi, Angel Pons.
1 comment:
File ich_descriptors.c:
Patch Set #12, Line 1041: return CHIPSET_600_SERIES_ALDER_POINT;
For completeness here, Sam reported back:
$ ./util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool -d -c "chipset" -f /tmp/image-nivviks.bin
The flash image has a size of 33554432 [0x2000000] bytes.
Assuming chipset '600 series Alder Point'.
=== Content Section ===
FLVALSIG 0x0ff0a55a
FLMAP0 0x00040003
FLMAP1 0x46100208
FLMAP2 0x001401b0
--- Details ---
NR (Number of Regions): 16
FRBA (Flash Region Base Address): 0x040
NC (Number of Components): 1
FCBA (Flash Component Base Address): 0x030
ISL (ICH/PCH/SoC Strap Length): 70
FISBA/FPSBA (Flash ICH/PCH/SoC Strap Base Addr): 0x100
NM (Number of Masters): 2
FMBA (Flash Master Base Address): 0x080
MSL/PSL (MCH/PROC Strap Length): 1
FMSBA (Flash MCH/PROC Strap Base Address): 0xb00
=== Component Section ===
FLCOMP 0x093000f6
FLILL 0xad604221
FLILL1 0xc7c4b9b7
--- Details ---
Component 1 density: 32 MB
Component 2 is not used.
Read Clock Frequency: 100 MHz
Read ID and Status Clock Freq.: 50 MHz
Write and Erase Clock Freq.: 50 MHz
Fast Read is supported.
Fast Read Clock Frequency: 50 MHz
Dual Output Fast Read Support: disabled
Invalid instruction 0: 0x21
Invalid instruction 1: 0x42
Invalid instruction 2: 0x60
Invalid instruction 3: 0xad
Invalid instruction 4: 0xb7
Invalid instruction 5: 0xb9
Invalid instruction 6: 0xc4
Invalid instruction 7: 0xc7
=== Region Section ===
FLREG0 0x00000000
FLREG1 0x1fff0500
FLREG2 0x04ff0001
FLREG3 0x00007fff
FLREG4 0x00007fff
FLREG5 0x00007fff
FLREG6 0x00007fff
FLREG7 0x00007fff
FLREG8 0x00007fff
FLREG9 0x00007fff
FLREG10 0x00007fff
FLREG11 0x00007fff
FLREG12 0x00007fff
FLREG13 0x00007fff
FLREG14 0x00007fff
FLREG15 0x00007fff
--- Details ---
Region 0 (Descr. ) 0x00000000 - 0x00000fff
Region 1 (BIOS ) 0x00500000 - 0x01ffffff
Region 2 (ME ) 0x00001000 - 0x004fffff
Region 3 (GbE ) is unused.
Region 4 (Platf. ) is unused.
Region 5 (DevExp ) is unused.
Region 6 (BIOS2 ) is unused.
Region 7 (unknown) is unused.
Region 8 (EC/BMC ) is unused.
Region 9 (unknown) is unused.
Region 10 (IE ) is unused.
Region 11 (10GbE ) is unused.
Region 12 (unknown) is unused.
Region 13 (unknown) is unused.
Region 14 (unknown) is unused.
Region 15 (unknown) is unused.
=== Master Section ===
FLMSTR1 0xffffffff
FLMSTR2 0xffffffff
--- Details ---
FD BIOS ME GbE Pltf Reg5 Reg6 Reg7 EC Reg9 RegA RegB RegC RegD RegE RegF
BIOS rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
ME rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
=== Upper Map Section ===
FLUMAP1 0xc0ff02df
--- Details ---
VTL (length in DWORDS) = 2
VTBA (base address) = 0x000df0
VSCC Table: 1 entries
JID0 = 0x0000471f
VSCC0 = 0x20152015
Manufacturer ID 0x1f, Device ID 0x4700
BES=0x1, WG=1, WSR=0, WEWS=1, EO=0x20
=== Softstraps ===
--- North/MCH/PROC (1 entries) ---
STRP0 = 0xffffffff
ISL (70) is greater than the current maximum of 23 entries.
Only the first 23 entries will be printed.
--- South/ICH/PCH (23 entries) ---
STRP0 = 0x00000000
STRP1 = 0x00000001
STRP2 = 0x0100000d
STRP3 = 0x022c4000
STRP4 = 0x0001087f
STRP5 = 0x00000000
STRP6 = 0x00000018
STRP7 = 0x00070003
STRP8 = 0x48030008
STRP9 = 0x00000000
STRP10 = 0x0eff0001
STRP11 = 0x0481fbf0
STRP12 = 0x00000000
STRP13 = 0x000f000c
STRP14 = 0x22224222
STRP15 = 0x22424222
STRP16 = 0x00000000
STRP17 = 0x00000000
STRP18 = 0x00ff0000
STRP19 = 0xc8800060
STRP20 = 0x36008645
STRP21 = 0x00000000
STRP22 = 0x00580e20
The meaning of the descriptor straps are unknown yet.
=== Dumping region files ===
Dumping 4096 bytes of the Descriptor region from 0x00000000-0x00000fff to /tmp/image-nivviks.bin.Descriptor.bin... done.
Dumping 28311552 bytes of the BIOS region from 0x00500000-0x01ffffff to /tmp/image-nivviks.bin.BIOS.bin... done.
Dumping 5238784 bytes of the ME region from 0x00001000-0x004fffff to /tmp/image-nivviks.bin.ME.bin... done.
The GbE region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Platform region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Region5 region is unused and thus not dumped.
The BIOS2 region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Region7 region is unused and thus not dumped.
The EC/BMC region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Region9 region is unused and thus not dumped.
The IE region is unused and thus not dumped.
The 10GbE region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Region12 region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Region13 region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Region14 region is unused and thus not dumped.
The Region15 region is unused and thus not dumped.
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