Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons.
1 comment:
Update: testing of the change is in progress.
There are two flows that I want to test, flows correspond to init_ich7_spi and init_ich_default. I need devices with two different chipsets, and I have so far only found one (init_ich_default).
For chipset which runs through init_ich_default, I tested all operations: probe->read->verify->erase->write->reboot and all successful. So at the moment one half of the patch is tested.
I am currently looking for device with chipset to run through init_ich7_spi, but this is harder than I hoped :(
I really want to test init_ich7_spi because I refactored long init function and moved initialisation of hwseq/swseq, I need to confirm it works after my changes.
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