Attention is currently required from: David Hendricks, Matt DeVillier.
1 comment:
File cli_classic.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 133: " --use-first-chip in cases where multiple chips are detected, use the first one found\n"
The context is very useful, thank you. […]
Hello Matt, just checking, what do you think about all the above?
Purely as an example, an output for `flashrom -p dummy:emulate=MX25L6436 -c "SFDP-capable chip" -VV` has these lines (at the time of writing):
Probing for Unknown SFDP-capable chip, 0 kB: SFDP revision = 1.0
SFDP number of parameter headers is 2 (NPH = 1).
SFDP parameter table header 0/1:
ID 0x00, version 1.0
Length 36 B, Parameter Table Pointer 0x00001c
Parsing JEDEC flash parameter table...
3-Byte only addressing.
Status register is non-volatile and the standard does not allow vendors to tell us whether EWSR/WREN is needed for status register writes - assuming EWSR.
Write chunk size is at least 64 B.
Flash chip size is 8192 kB.
Block eraser 0: 2048 x 4096 B with opcode 0x20
Tried to add a duplicate block eraser: 2048 x 4096 B with opcode 0x20.
Block eraser 1: 256 x 32768 B with opcode 0x52
Block eraser 2: 128 x 65536 B with opcode 0xd8
SFDP parameter table header 1/1:
ID 0xc2, version 1.0
Length 16 B, Parameter Table Pointer 0x000048
Support for SFDP Page with ID 0xc2 not implemented, skipping it.
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