Attention is currently required from: Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Nikolai Artemiev, Sergii Dmytruk.
1 comment:
I first thought the API is missing a function to create a new `config`
(currently you always have to start by reading the existing one). However,
it seems this is intentional and I learned later that some code relies on
this (I haven't fully understood why yet / couldn't find a chip that mixes
OTP bits in). This brings us to another problem: Given this limitation,
the config "objects" are actually tied to the flash context they were
created with. For instance, you can't just clone a config from one chip
to another by writing a config object of the former to the latter. I hope
I got this right?
Neither does the documentation mention this limitation nor is the API
user forced to do the right thing in any way. I could think of a simple
way to achieve the latter. Instead of exposing the `flashrom_wp_chip_config`
we could use a `flashrom_wp_context` that links to the flash context (and
remove the flash context argument from all but the read function). But I'm
not convinced of this idea yet...
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