Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Thomas Heijligen, Jean THOMAS, Alexander Goncharov.
Patch set 7:Code-Review +1
Thanks for your update. Alas, I missed to check the resource usage/cleanup in
the init function. Everything else looks good to me :)
Also something else I kept forgetting to mention: We have some additional, annoying
programmer lists in ``. You should add yours there too.
File dirtyjtag_spi.c:
Just curious, is there anything in the last two bytes?
Should use the `djtag_data->libusb_ctx`. Many more below, too.
Patch Set #7, Line 297: return -1;
Sorry, I always forget to check such cleanup paths ._.
There are some steps missing (I guess it should do about the same as
the shutdown function). However, not everything should be called on every
error. For instance, calling libusb_close() before `handle` is set might
be bad. Hence we'll need more labels.
Also, all early returns should go through a cleanup path. Except the
first maybe, because there no resources have been allocated yet.
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