Attention is currently required from: Sergii Dmytruk.
Sergii Dmytruk uploaded patch set #2 to this change.
[WIP] add me_unlock_tool
This is an alternative take on CB:56023 that implement ME unlocking
in a separate tool. The only problem is: it links to a half of flashrom
sources... Another issue is creation of a fake programmer for
register_shutdown() to work.
With the current state of the codebase, it's virtually impossible to do
better. Check SVG file in the commit for a graph depicting
import/export of function symbols from a subset of object files used by
this tool.
Change-Id: Ie8d66f1ee449ce8f2cbdc8c744e9b70428de533d
Signed-off-by: Sergii Dmytruk <>
M .gitignore
M Makefile
M board_enable.c
M ichspi.c
M programmer.h
A util/me_unlock_tool/Makefile
A util/me_unlock_tool/call-deps.svg
A util/me_unlock_tool/me_unlock_tool.c
A util/me_unlock_tool/
M util/
10 files changed, 2,345 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/16/63416/2
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