Attention is currently required from: Nikolai Artemiev.
File ichspi.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 1472: entry == NULL
Patch Set #2, Line 1475: return 0;
`return -1;`
Patch Set #2, Line 1476: } else {
no need for a `else` as you have a early return in the `if` branch.
Patch Set #2, Line 1486: flash->chip->tested = entry->tested;
drop line, it is overwritten in the eulogy of `ich_hwseq_probe()`, the call site of this function.
Patch Set #2, Line 1492: return 1;
`return 0;`
`< 0`
Patch Set #2, Line 1503: msg_perr("Unable to read flash chip ID\n");
drop as you already have a `msg_perr()` call in the func.
Patch Set #2, Line 1552: TEST_OK_PREW;
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