1 comment:
Please describe the problem, you are seeing in NixOS.
The problem was originally described and resolved here: https://github.com/flashrom/flashrom/issues/125
Just to make sure; do you want me to add a short description to the commit message or describe it here?
Here's an amended draft commit:
commit e4483e165efb017912eeef0a1c15a91e2ed33ac1 (HEAD -> upstream_master)
Author: Pyry Kontio <pyry.kontio@drasa.eu>
Date: Mon Jul 6 12:57:35 2020 +0900
Makefile: Fix building on AArch64 NixOS
The parsing of the output of archtest.c produced an unexpected
value on AArch64 NixOS. For example, the make variable ARCH was set to:
bit outside of fd_set selected
This made the arch and OS checks fail.
This commit addresses this case, making the parsing more robust.
Signed-off-by: Pyry Kontio <pyry.kontio@drasa.eu>
Change-Id: Iaa4477a71e758cf9ecad2c22f3b77bc6508a3510
Am I expected to force-push, replacing this commit?
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