Attention is currently required from: Hsuan-ting Chen.
Hsuan-ting Chen uploaded patch set #4 to this change.
The following approvals got outdated and were removed: Verified-1 by build bot (Jenkins)
ichspi.c: Add support for region 9 and beyond in Meteor Lake
Since Meteor Lake, configuring region access for FREG9 and higher is
necessary. This configuration is determined using BIOS_BM registers:
BIOS_BM_RAP (Offset 0x118): BIOS Master Read Access Permissions.
Each bit [15:0] corresponds to a region [15:0].
A set bit grants BIOS master read access.
BIOS_BM_WAP (Offset 0x11c): BIOS Master Write Access Permissions.
Each bit [15:0] corresponds to a region [15:0].
A set bit grants BIOS master write/erase access.
Move CHIPSET_METEOR_LAKE to the bottom of the ich_chipset list to ensure
that all the newer chipsets in the future will use BIOS_BM check by
BUG=b:319773700, b:304439294
TEST=On MTL, use flashrom -VV to see correct FREG9 access
TEST=On ADL, use flashrom -VV to see not break anything
Change-Id: I1e06e7b3d470423a6014e623826d9234fdebfbf9
Signed-off-by: <>
M ichspi.c
M include/programmer.h
2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/57/81357/4
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