Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Nico Huber, Thomas Heijligen, Edward O'Callaghan.
I understand this is not the end result (not the final version) but it looks to me as a positive improvement. To be specific, the whole chain of patches, not just this one but the chain as a whole looks positive to me.
The most important aspects I am thinking about are
1) Does it make easier for contributors to add new tests? Specifically new tests for programmers that has none yet. I think it does make it a bit easier. Less code in each <programmer_name>.c and no need to add a source file to meson build every time
2) Does it make easier to spot and detect the problem while development? For example if one forgets to add line in weaks.c would jenkins complain? I understand yes, probably fails to link?
File tests/weaks.c:
Patch Set #1, Line 19: SKIP_TEST
If the macro is only used in this one file, maybe it can be defined in this one file?
And then maybe you can include tests.h only to have symbols for test methods names? The whole lifecycle.h is not needed here.
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