Attention is currently required from: Thomas Heijligen, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Anastasia Klimchuk.
File tests/init_shutdown.c:
Patch Set #5, Line 60: **list = calloc(1, sizeof(*list));
This looks wrong and shouldn't be necessary. The second sizeof() should be
that of a `libusb_device` struct. But as you mention below the device is
opaque, so we don't need it.
Maybe it helps to imagine it without dynamic allocation. For instance, using
static variables:
static libusb_device single_dev;
static libusb_device *single_entry_list[1] = { [0] = &single_dev };
*list = single_entry_list;
**list = &single_dev; /* redundant with the initialization above */
Now, would it make a difference if we'd use `NULL` instead of `&single_dev`?
Only if the caller would explicitly for non-NULL, I'd say.
(Looking at it now, using a static array would actually work. As long the
list is immutable, even multiple calls to libusb_get_device_list() would be ok.)
Patch Set #5, Line 122: (void *)
I added cast to avoid warnings about discarding const qualifier, hope it's ok.
I think anything else would be overkill for mocking.
NB. We don't put spaces after casts.
Patch Set #5, Line 140: sprintf(raiden_debug_param, "address=%s", USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS);
Please use snprintf().
Patch Set #5, Line 140: USB_DEVICE_ADDRESS
Why is the constant a string? Wouldn't it be easier to use %d and a number?
File tests/io_mock.h:
Patch Set #5, Line 43: /* Typedef to make code simpler (no need to type struct all the time). */
It also makes it oblivious to the reader that these are structs. Maybe
that's obvious from the context, though.
Generally, it's discouraged in flashrom. I don't mind it in tests/,
your call.
It's not necessary to name every parameter. For instance `ctx` is already
obvious from the type so it could just be `libusb_context *,` saying a
compatible pointer needs to be passed (doesn't matter how the callee names
it). Same for `dev`, `desc` etc.
File tests/io_mock.h:
struct libusb_endpoint_descriptor {
uint8_t offset1[2];
uint8_t bEndpointAddress;
uint8_t bmAttributes;
uint8_t offset2[5];
unsigned char *extra;
int extra_length;
typedef struct libusb_endpoint_descriptor libusb_endpoint_descriptor;
struct libusb_interface_descriptor {
uint8_t offset1[2];
uint8_t bInterfaceNumber;
uint8_t bAlternateSetting;
uint8_t bNumEndpoints;
uint8_t bInterfaceClass;
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass;
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol;
uint8_t offset2;
struct libusb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint;
typedef struct libusb_interface_descriptor libusb_interface_descriptor;
struct libusb_interface {
struct libusb_interface_descriptor *altsetting;
int num_altsetting;
typedef struct libusb_interface libusb_interface;
struct libusb_config_descriptor {
uint8_t offset1[4];
uint8_t bNumInterfaces;
uint8_t bConfigurationValue;
uint8_t offset2[3];
struct libusb_interface *interface;
typedef struct libusb_config_descriptor libusb_config_descriptor;
struct libusb_device {};
typedef struct libusb_device libusb_device;
struct libusb_device_descriptor {
uint8_t offset1[8];
uint16_t idVendor;
uint16_t idProduct;
uint8_t offset2[5];
uint8_t bNumConfigurations;
typedef struct libusb_device_descriptor libusb_device_descriptor;
I included the header only once in io_mock.h and it seems to work! […]
It's already there. In ``, `flashrom_test_dep` depends on `deps` which
has `libusb` added by defalult (set by the `usb` option). Don't ask me if any
of it makes sense, but it's there ;)
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