Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Namyoon Woo, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons.
Rebased on the top of all latest improvements and fixes.
File dummyflasher.c:
/* Remove the #define below if you don't want SPI flash chip emulation. */
If this line is removed, dummy does not compile. […]
This comment still valid, I think.
File dummyflasher.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 975: return 1;
This will result in `data->flashchip_contents` leaking. […]
I replied below
I moved around the initialisation in CB:54908
I moved initialisation in the same way (rebased), but I had a choice where to put it: init_data vs dummy_init. To me it looks like it can be in init_data? (because it inits data). And all the memory leaks seems to be fixed by now...
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