Attention is currently required from: Simon Buhrow, Nico Huber, Aarya, Anastasia Klimchuk.
File erasure_layout.c:
you can use clang-format to help with formatting like line wraps or do it manually but whatever you do you should try to keep consistent with generally kernel C style and you wont be far off.
`const s`
Patch Set #91, Line 170: old_start_buf
allocation never checked.
add some `\n` to help readability of the function.
trivial: ` (`
trivial: ` (`
Patch Set #91, Line 194: if(erase_layout[i].layout_list[j].selected) {
consider identifying more base-cases to early return/continue/break to avoid deep loops and branches.
For example in this case, the inverse case gives you a continue base case:
if (!erase_layout[i].layout_list[j].selected) {
//execute erase
erasefunc_t *erasefn = lookup_erase_func_ptr(erase_layout[i].eraser);
ret = erasefn(flashctx, start_addr, block_len);
if (ret) {
msg_cerr("Failed to execute erase command for offset %#x to %#x.\n", start_addr, start_addr + block_len);
ret = -1;
goto _end;
//adjust curcontents
memset(curcontents+start_addr, erased_value, block_len);
//after erase make it unselected again
erase_layout[i].layout_list[j].selected = false;
msg_cdbg("E(%x:%x)", start_addr, start_addr + block_len - 1);
//verify erase
ret = check_erased_range(flashctx, start_addr, block_len);
if (ret) {
msg_cerr("Verifying flash. Erase failed for range %#x : %#x, Abort.\n", start_addr, start_addr + block_len - 1);
goto _end;
integrate CB:70517
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