Attention is currently required from: Aarya, Bill XIE, Peter Marheine.
1 comment:
> Making that a compile-time option seems like it's easy for a user to configure it to be quick-n-da […]
Alright, if you both think command-line option is better, I am fine with this. I also just thought, there is an advantage of command-line option, such as it can be changed to different value without re-building flashrom. Not all users would be comfortable re-building.
It can be percent value, or it can be like an enum, "safe" or "quick"?
And also, seems like it can be a separate patch, to introduce new command-line option.
For this patch, it's just the default? Which you also both agree that "safe", or 100%, should be default?
I do think it's nice to give command-line option, but it's especially nice to give it if we are changing the default. Someone might preferred that "quick" mode, and now boom it would be going away.
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