Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Richard Hughes.
Anastasia Klimchuk uploaded patch set #5 to this change.
libflashrom: Update the API for progress callback
The initial version of API for progress callback would require the
callback function to make a second call to get the needed data about
progress state (current, total etc).
This patch changes the callback API, so that callback function gets
all needed data straight away as parameters, and with this,
callback has all the data to do its job.
Since the initial version was submitted and it was in the tree for a
while, the change needs to add a _v1 suffix for new thing and
deprecated attribute for old thing.
Testing: both unit tests and cli are libflashrom clients.
All unit tests run successfully, for the cli all scenarios from
commit 75dc0655b95dde91f1426a7e5aecfc04d7b8d631 run successfully.
Change-Id: Ia8cc0461c449b7e65888a64cdc594c55b81eae7a
Signed-off-by: Anastasia Klimchuk <>
M cli_classic.c
M cli_output.c
M doc/release_notes/devel.rst
M include/cli_output.h
M include/flash.h
M include/libflashrom.h
M libflashrom.c
M tests/chip.c
M tests/spi25.c
10 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/31/86031/5
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