Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Angel Pons.
1 comment:
File rayer_spi.c:
if (prog_type) {
for (; prog->type != NULL; prog++) {
if (strcasecmp(prog_type, prog->type) == 0) {
if (prog->type == NULL) {
msg_perr("Error: Invalid device type specified.\n");
return 1;
Isn't this part of getting the params?
No, actually I didn't push CB:68238 before which made it unclear what I was thinking. However the idea here was to deconflate the parameter parse logic from the programmer type lookup logic into their own respective functions. This makes the init entry-point more linear in its control flow without all the resource management getting in the way. Hopefully the thinking is a little more clear with CB:68238 push please do let me know if not.
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