Attention is currently required from: Giammarco.
Commit Message:
You need to add testing info into commit message, which operations you ran on the chip. From the chip definition, looks like you did probing.
Keep the rest of commit message, it's all fine. Just add testing info.
It would be ideal if you share the logs from successful runs, can you upload logs to ? and add the link in a comment?
Patch Set #1, Line 16: Signed-off-by: Giammarco Marzano
Did you add this line manually? Because when you ask git to do this, it adds <> around email.
You need to have:
> Signed-off-by: Giammarco Marzano <>
You can either correct manually, or next time you amend your commit, ask git to sign-off `git commit --amend -s`
If you ask git, it will add new line, and then you need to remove this current line.
Giammarco, thank you for the patch! I have just two comments.
Also thanks for adding link to pull request, from it I discovered that the links in auto-response are broken. I will fix them, but I am glad you found guidelines anyway ;)
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