Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Angel Pons, Nikolai Artemiev.
File writeprotect.c:
Patch Set #6, Line 26: print_wp_chip_state
You can move print_wp_chip_state here on the top, and avoid forward declaration.
static int read_reg_bit(
const struct flashctx *flash,
const struct reg_bit_info bit,
uint8_t *value,
bool *present)
Just to check: does this not fit into 112 chars? It really helps to grep when all parameters are on one line.
112 chars is a lot, most of the code does not need that much. But for the list of function parameters, it makes grep more informative, and that's very useful.
You are declaring lots of new functions in this patch series, the comment applies to all of them.
Patch Set #6, Line 73: void *suppress_unused_warning_for_read_wp_chip_state = read_wp_chip_state;
Maybe I am missing something, but I don't see this is being used in the patch?
If you use it later in the chain, better to introduce it when it's used.
And anyway I will ask you: does it have to be a global state?
Patch Set #6, Line 141: void *suppress_unused_warning_for_write_wp_chip_state = write_wp_chip_state;
Same comment as previous
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