Attention is currently required from: Peter Marheine, Richard Hughes, Sergii Dmytruk.
File include/libflashrom.h:
The comment should probably have a note saying that this has priority over `flashrom_set_progress_ca […]
File libflashrom.c:
Patch Set #7, Line 76: " ignoring this call since %s is deprecated\n",
nit: there is already a space on the previous line
Patch Set #7, Line 134: sizeof(flashctx->progress_state.user_data));
nit: Why use `memcpy()`? Types match, so simple assignments should do and will break if types chang […]
user_data was complaining on dereferencing void pointer so I changed to `memcpy()` and then I changed progress_state copying to memcpy so that they look the same.
For progress_state it wasn't needed, I changed it back to be an assignment.
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