A general question: Would it make sense to update the given reference
file after a successful flash?
Patch Set #2, Line 60: " --ifd read layout from an Intel Firmware Descriptor\n"
This line is too long now for a 80-columns terminal. Though,
I think we can just avoid to shift all these lines, see below.
Patch Set #2, Line 63: referencefile
Maybe just shorten it, e.g. <ref-file>, and leave the other lines as they were.
I'm not sure about the `-C` maybe only add the long option for now?
Patch Set #2, Line 363: contents
Patch Set #2, Line 2348: * @param buffer_len Size of source buffer in bytes.
reference parameter should be mentioned here
Patch Set #2, Line 2355: int flashrom_image_write(struct flashctx *const flashctx, void *const buffer, const size_t buffer_len, const char *referencefile)
I just realized that this is already part of the libflashrom
interface which should be kept free of file i/o handling.
You should pass another buffer here, already filled with the
contents of the reference file, e.g. `refcontents` to align
with `oldcontents`/`newcontents`.
This justification makes sense in the commit message but doesn't
belong here. Please condense it to a single line, e.g.
/* If given, assume flash contains same data as `refcontents`. */
spurious empty line
if (referencefile) {
msg_cinfo("Reading old flash chip contents from file... ");
if (read_buf_from_file(oldcontents, flash_size, referencefile)) {
ret = 1;
goto _finalize_ret;
move into do_write() please
spurious empty line
spurious empty line
if (verify_all) {
msg_cerr("Checking if anything has changed.\n");
msg_cinfo("Reading current flash chip contents... ");
if (!flashctx->chip->read(flashctx, curcontents, 0, flash_size)) {
if (!memcmp(oldcontents, curcontents, flash_size)) {
goto _finalize_ret;
msg_cerr("Apparently at least some data has changed.\n");
} else
msg_cerr("Can't even read anymore!\n");
misaligned by accident?
Patch Set #2, Line 2580: goto _free_ret;
Same as `filename`, `referencefile` should be read here if given.
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