We are close :) though, flashrom_image_write() seems to be too
convoluted to be extended easily and needs some more attention.
You can just drop the C: and it should work. The 'C' below only
tells getopt_long() what to return in case of --flash-contents
which could be any distinct number. Though, better would be to
use a non-character number like --ifd does, e.g. 0x0101. Ideally,
we would use an enum for these numbers like this:
enum {
OPTION_IFD = 0x0100,
Patch Set #4, Line 2349: * @param refbuffer If given, assume flash contains same data as `refbuffer`
Full stop please, as the lines above have that too.
Patch Set #4, Line 2349: flash
`flash chip` please, for consistent wording.
Can be (and therefore should be) const.
Patch Set #4, Line 2397: oldcontents = refcontents;
I would rather copy the data here. Would allow to keep the surrounding
code as is. You'd have to keep track of where `oldcontents` points to,
otherwise, e.g. to make sure you don't free() `refbuffer`.
Also, I just realized that you need to copy the data into `curcontents`
as well. `oldcontents` is only optionally used for verification later
and not for the checks which parts of the flash chip have to be updated.
Basically, after this if/else block, `curcontents` has to contain valid
data at least for all included regions in the layout, and `oldcontents`
has to contain valid data for the whole flash if `verify_all` is set.
With that written down, you can/should only copy into `oldcontents`
if `verify_all` is set (in other words if `oldcontents != NULL`).
Patch Set #4, Line 2561: uint8_t *refcontents = NULL;
Please move up to the general declarations above (`newcontents`
is only declared later because it couldn't be `const` otherwise,
stupid language if you ask me, or stupid me because I always
try to make as much as possible `const`).
Patch Set #4, Line 2582: _free_ret_refcontents:
You only need a single `_free_ret` as `free(NULL);` is valid.
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