Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk.
Commit Message:
The install paths are `share/man/man8/flashrom.8` and
The Makefile builds only the man-page format.
I am wondering, do we need to add this info to README (or to meson build documentation)? […]
I would add this when moving the Build instructions here. I think it's better than retrofitting it.
The install paths are controlled by meson. Those are the default paths. I'll update the commit message.
That make builds only the man page is intentionally. I don't add new features to the make file.
File meson_options.txt:
Patch Set #7, Line 21: man-pages
That's a small thing, but are we ever going to have multiple man pages? The option is "pages", plura […]
Yes, this is intentionally. I wanted to a a future prove option. So we could later add mam pages for the ich_descriptors_tool or a new cli easily without the need to rename this parameter
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