Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Namyoon Woo, Thomas Heijligen, Edward O'Callaghan.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #2, Line 9: This is needed to build flashrom without the internal programmer
Maybe you can add testing info: my guess you did build with/without internal, with/without dummy, maybe you can add build commands that you performed.
Might be best to figure out first what the code tries to express. If this […]
I have a question. I created which hopefully represents the situation. There are 3 items in there, and this patch fixes first item (as I understand). Do you think this patch can go first?
File spi.c:
int probe_variable_size(struct flashctx *flash)
unsigned int i;
const struct emu_data *emu_data = flash->mst->;
I've no clue what this function is doing and if it's working as expected. […]
Yes I agree. First step can be fix building, and second can be fix the code.
Since the time of my previous comment, I created :) which I think represent second step.
Yes the code was like this before, you are just moving it into a different place. It is just that when it was in dummy, it was less obvious there are issues.
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