Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Edward O'Callaghan, Samir Ibradžić.
I made some tests with my oscilloscope on the SPI lines. Looks good to me. E.g. the WREN is send in one burst with the page program data.
As chunksize of 270 was set to make page program in one burst but without having WREN in mind the chunksize must be adapted to really benefit of this change. Fot this see
File ft2232_spi.c:
Patch Set #30, Line 291: <= buffer_size;
Sorry, looks like you copy-pasted from my comment? Needs tabs.
Yes I did, sorry for forgetting the tabs and all the other indent stuff.
Patch Set #30, Line 303: * Minimize FTDI-calls by packing as many commands as possible
Nit, the line break just seems odd.
Missing space before opening brace.
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