Nico Huber posted comments on this change.
Patch set 4:
The list in layout_from_ich_descriptors() should be updated too.
Patch Set #4, Line 320: unknown
Region 6 (counting from 0) is the Secondary BIOS region, according to
some register's descriptions that control it.
IIRC, this is "BMC" for Lewisburg. Maybe name it "EC/BMC"?
I just remembered, here's a third list. Though, this one uses identi-
fiers compatible to the ones in ifdtool from coreboot.
The -N and --ifd options could also be helpful to make flashrom work
with unallocated space in the chip, like the gaps Sandy has (as far
as I followed the discussion).
File util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool.c:
That's a lot of maintenance, maybe we should move the list from
pprint_freg() into the header file and use it instead?
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