Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Peter Marheine, Richard Hughes.
1 comment:
File include/libflashrom.h:
Patch Set #2, Line 90: * @deprecated Use flashrom_set_progress_callback_v1 instead
So, just to clarify: do you think it is unavoidable to keep the old
deprecated function code, and two callbacks in flash context?
It depends on how stable the API is supposed to be. If no promises are made, then can just update the code keeping nothing of original implementation. If it's supposed to be stable until flashrom v2 release (breaking changes require major version bump), then I would say 2 callbacks must be kept. I don't really know what's the policy in case of `libflashrom` is, but I prefer to err on the side of compatibility to not cause unnecessary breakage.
Also who are the users for whom it makes a difference, is that the users who build with old header and new code?
Any existing code which uses old callback regardless of the header version. You can't really know what's the effect of not calling that callback might be, client application can do something more important than managing progress in it (e.g., running some kind of event loop). That said, I have no idea about the number of applications linking against `libflashrom`, the actual impact of the change might be negligible.
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