Attention is currently required from: Rick Altherr.

Rick Altherr uploaded patch set #2 to this change.

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flashchips: Remove FEATURE_4BA_WREN for MT25QL128 and mark as tested

Using both a Dediprog SF100 and a Bus Pirate, read and erase works
correctly on a MT25QL128 but writes were failing to take effect.
Currently, the entry in flashchips.c indicates that this device supports
4-byte addressing. Micron's datasheet indicates that it does not.
After removing FEATURE_4BA_WREN from feature_bits, both SF100 and
Bus Pirate were able to successfully read, erase, and write a
MT25QL128 so also marking as tested.

Change-Id: I6341456c722840a413bd2c51fe9a78bbda5cdbab
Signed-off-by: Rick Altherr <>
M flashchips.c
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

git pull ssh:// refs/changes/06/71206/2

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Gerrit-Project: flashrom
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I6341456c722840a413bd2c51fe9a78bbda5cdbab
Gerrit-Change-Number: 71206
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Owner: Rick Altherr <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Gerrit-Attention: Rick Altherr <>
Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset