It seems a little weird to have the bulk of the implementation of fmap-from-rom here while only adding the CLI option in the next patch. Maybe it's a good idea to squash both?
Patch Set #16, Line 7: Add support to get layout from fmap (e.g. coreboot rom)
Needs to be updated to mention fmap from rom functionality implementation.
Patch Set #16, Line 1: #include <inttypes.h>
Probably needs license from cbfstool here
Patch Set #16, Line 1: #include <ctype.h>
probably needs licence from cbfstool.
Patch Set #16, Line 22: #include <sys/stat.h>
Added headers not needed anymore?
accidental newline?
Patch Set #16, Line 462: offset
On Intel targets you probably only want and in some reasons even only can, if for instance ME region is not readable, look into the BIOS region. This again will need lsearch in some cases.
Maybe the start offset and the end of this loop could be made function arguments?
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