Attention is currently required from: Matt DeVillier.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #1, Line 7: Make -r/-w/-v argument optional
Ack. […]
Commit Message:
this patch
essentially removes the requirement to provide an unused parameter
Oh I really like this part. And thank you for updating existing examples in the manpage (which were only mentioning write, but now you fixed it).
TEST=verify read/write/verify operations successful when specifying
the filename only after the region.
As a note, you can just copy-paste the list of commands that you ran to test, might be easier than writing a text about what you have done.
But more importantly, if you could ran few tests without `-i` option, just a standard read, write, erase:
Running with dummyflasher is totally fine
File cli_classic.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 691: if (read_buf_from_include_args(get_layout(flash), newcontents))
Should it be `else if`? We can't have both, right?
Patch Set #2, Line 727: if (read_buf_from_include_args(get_layout(flash), newcontents))
Same question, should it be `else if`?
* - Do partial read for each -i arg, creating a new file for
* each region where a filename is provided (-i region:filename).
* - Create a ROM-sized file with partially filled content. For each
* -i arg, fill the corresponding offset with content from ROM.
... then filename specified for `-r` is ignored?
The rest should be explained in preceding paragraph already, right?
Patch Set #2, Line 1357: Rules for writing and verifying:
I know it wasn't you who wrote these Rules initially, but let's make them more readable (it's hard right now).
Specific points:
1) Rules for reading, writing , verifying should have the same structure (currently not)
2) Make it as a list of all possible combinations:
It is likely that after writing this, you will copy-paste to manpage (in addition to what's there). So it's very useful to write clear text, and then manpage will be a self-service for users!
File doc/classic_cli_manpage.rst:
Let's do the same formatting as in the first sentence,
Let's do the same formatting as in the first sentence,
Let's do the same formatting as in the first sentence,
Patch Set #2, Line 206: <file>
same here, same formatting
File include/layout.h:
int register_include_arg(struct layout_include_args **, const char *arg);
int process_include_args(struct flashrom_layout *, const struct layout_include_args *);
int check_include_args_filename(const struct layout_include_args *);
void cleanup_include_args(struct layout_include_args **);
If you are in the good mood, maybe you would consider adding few tests for these functions?
We have some tests already for functions in layout.c, in tests/layout.c, it would be great to cover some of include args logic too.
I thought you might be interested in that processing of include args has tests and protected from breakage ;)
Doesn't need to be in this patch, can be a separate patch, any time later. Either way I would be so so happy to get few more tests! Thank you!
File layout.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 296: Error: No region file specified
Maybe we can give more details, so that there no confusion for the users where the error comes from:
Error: No region file specified for the --include/-i command.
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