Attention is currently required from: Harsha B R, Ravishankar Sarawadi.
File flashchips.c:
.reg_bits =
.srp = {STATUS1, 7, RW},
.srl = {STATUS2, 0, RW},
.bp = {{STATUS1, 2, RW}, {STATUS1, 3, RW}, {STATUS1, 4, RW}},
.tb = {STATUS1, 5, RW}, /* Called BP3 in datasheet, acts like TB */
.sec = {STATUS1, 6, RW}, /* Called BP4 in datasheet, acts like SEC */
.cmp = {STATUS2, 6, RW},
.decode_range = DECODE_RANGE_SPI25,
Add a similar block for the new flash part.
Patch Set #1, Line 7425: spi_prettyprint_status_register_bp3_srwd
Use macro instead. refer to other entries.
Patch Set #1, Line 7426: spi_disable_blockprotect
Use macro instead. refer to other entries.
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