Attention is currently required from: Richard Hughes, Edward O'Callaghan.
Richard Hughes uploaded patch set #3 to this change.
libflashrom: Return progress state to the library user
Include test for the dummy spi25 device.
Change-Id: I7197572bb7f19e3bdb2bde855d70a0f50fd3854c
Signed-off-by: Richard Hughes <>
M 82802ab.c
M at45db.c
M cli_classic.c
M cli_output.c
M dediprog.c
M en29lv640b.c
M flash.h
M it87spi.c
M jedec.c
M libflashrom.c
M libflashrom.h
M linux_mtd.c
M lspcon_i2c_spi.c
M realtek_mst_i2c_spi.c
M spi.c
M spi25.c
M sst28sf040.c
M tests/spi25.c
M tests/tests.c
M tests/tests.h
20 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/43/49643/3
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