Attention is currently required from: Thomas Heijligen.
Meson has build-in support for warnings. Maybe it's better to use them. […]
Official doc do not explain what exactly each warning level is doing :\ But I found info here:
* warning_level 1 adds `-Wall`,
-warning_level 2 adds warning_level 1 + `-Wextra`,
* warning_level 3 adds warning_level 2 + `-Wpedantic`
Looks like warning_level was actually what we want (corresponding to makefile).
So for this patch, I added two remaining options that were missing in comparison with makefile.
Maybe we can combine Werror with the buildtype?
I was thinking to use werror option (it is mentioned here but I wanted to do it in a separate patch.
I will try and see how it goes.
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